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Rivian Forums Owners Club - R1T Pickup and R1S SUV Forum

The Rivian Owners Forums are now back online! The forums were offline for awhile as can be seen by the legacy threads and member communications, but hopefully we can begin growing again and be a great outlet for all current and future Rivian owners without being force fed ads all in your face as other forums out there do.

End of Ski season

Hubert Morken

New member
Founding Member
Greetings from Park City where I watch 2019 ski runs melting on mountains outside my front windows. Great epic season. As snow turns to mud, then mud to dirt, walking sticks will emerge from their closet to do their thing. After that, head north to Jackson, to the Tetons, and the Wind River range in Wyoming. Moab and Arches too?

May Rivian prevail! Both R1S and R1T are potential winners.