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Rivian Forums Owners Club - R1T Pickup and R1S SUV Forum

The Rivian Owners Forums are now back online! The forums were offline for awhile as can be seen by the legacy threads and member communications, but hopefully we can begin growing again and be a great outlet for all current and future Rivian owners without being force fed ads all in your face as other forums out there do.

Watch Rivian R1S Electric SUV Roll By At Arm’s Length Away


Founding Member
So close you can almost feel the breeze from it driving by.

This is perhaps the most up-close and personal we’ve ever seen the Rivian R1S electric SUV. Even better, it’s in motion rolling by just feet from the lens.

Of course, this video captured the R1S in Aspen, where it rolled into town for a few days for the Winter X Games. The R1T electric truck was on display there too.

After departing, the R1S hits the backcountry, where it’s still rolling along at temps of well below 0 degrees.

For Rivian, a startup electric adventure vehicle maker, the R1T and R1S represent just the first two of many fully electric vehicles planned.

Next in line is an electric rally-bred passenger car with bonkers HP and huge range figures. After that, who knows what’s coming.

It’s sure to be something exciting though.

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